My after picture!

My before picture, hampster cheeks any body?

Make sure you stop and smell the roses, or something just as pretty!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Keep on Trucking!

Well today was my second lesson at Trucking School and I was allowed to drive amongst other traffic and I did pretty good, I was shifting much better, kept the truck in the correct lane and nobody got hurt, it was a good day at school. Today was weigh in day, the second week on my new eating plan, but I didn't lose anything I wasn't sure what to expect especially as I had such a big loss last week, which brings to mind the T.V show "The biggest loser" with the infamous 2nd week of poor weight loss. But I do feel a lot smaller and lighter, so I think I have lost a lot of inches, once a Month I will measure myself and see where I am at.

In the old days I would of been face down in a box of donuts, if I would of stepped on the scale and saw a big fat 0 staring back at me, thank goodness I don't think like that anymore. I know I had a fantastic loss last week and my body is probably just adjusting and I have faith that it will come off as long as I stick to this plan. I did have one dine out and a little bit of alcohol, so this could have swayed the scale in the wrong direction, but I'm not beating myself up over it and shall follow the plan with just as much gusto.

Down the Hatch:-

Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/2 cup low fat soy milk, craisons & raspberries, 1 scoop of protein, 1 tbsp bee-pollen, 1tbsp flax seed, large glass of water & cup of coffee.

Lunch: Sushi, small lean portion of beef, large glass of water.

Snack: clean protein bar & fresh strawberries, large glass of water, cup of tea.

Dinner: Mackerel fillet, 1/2 baked sweet potato, green beans, large glass of water.

Activity: 75 mins Hot Yoga.

I was so proud of my driving skills today and for not taking my negative weight loss as a downer that I'm off to meditate on some more positive stuff! Have a good Saturday all.

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