My after picture!

My before picture, hampster cheeks any body?

Make sure you stop and smell the roses, or something just as pretty!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

The first thing I lay my eyes on this morning was the big fluffy flakes falling ubiquitously from the darkened sky. My first thought was to turn around and go back to bed, but I didn't I stumbled into my workout clothes and munched on my healthy breakfast, brushed off the car and went to my kick-boxing class. I don't know about you lot, but snow to me is a total sedative, I had to drag my sorry ass through the class and through the rest of the day, actually I had to admit after my meditation session I did have a nap on the couch :)

I don't despise the snow like I used to when I first moved to Calgary, but I must say it does have an immediate downing effect on me, which I am aware of and take the necessary steps to undo the SAD by doing something HAPPY even if my body doesn't like it! I keep saying that I'm going to take skiing lessons, but I have terrible balance and I'm always thinking about the possibility of breaking a hip or two! But that is a fear emotion, which I don't like to entertain too much these days, before skiing I have to learn how swim.

Swimming has been my biggest fear ever since I was a child, I don't know why I love to be by the Ocean, On the Ocean, looking at the Ocean, but not never inside the Ocean. My sister in-law in California teaches scardy cat's like myself and the last couple of visit she has got me floating and even swimming, just holding onto her hand lightly in the water. Which is still mind boggling to me, I wasn't aware that I could float or swim, unbeknown to me my butt is a fantastic flotation device! I just have to take the next step and purchase a few private lessons and I'll be well on my way, then I can work on the skiing.

Tonight my lovely friend Darlene is taking me out for a "cheering me up dinner", but I do already fel so much better as the days go by, it was a little harder today with my SAD kicking in, but I'm looking forward to tonight and having some fun, were going for dinner and a movie. For dinner I am going to try and stick to the rules Tosca Reno talks about in her "Clean-Eating " book, but I know eating out can be a bit of challenge and alcohol is not a big thing for me, desert is my downfall!

Down the hatch so far today:-

Breakfast: 1/2 cup wholegrain granola, 1/2 cup natural fat free yogurt, 1 scoop protein powder, 1 tbsp flax seed, 1tbsp bee-pollen, 1/2 cup mixed berries & large glass of water.

Lunch: Ezeqiel wholegrain wrap with chopped tofu, lettuce, spinach, spring onion, large glass of water & cup of coffee.

Snack: 2 brown rice cakes, 2 tbsp humus & 1 apple, large glass of water (I know I've had this snack three days in a row, but I love it!) & cup of tea.

Dinner: to be determined!

I shall fill you in tomorrow on how the evening went and what I chose food wise, but I really am looking to be good and sticking to this plan, especially as it's working so well. Ta ta for now.

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