My after picture!

My before picture, hampster cheeks any body?

Make sure you stop and smell the roses, or something just as pretty!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Warm fuzzies on a cold day!

Why am I feeling so warm and fuzzy on this snowy, cold day? I had a great girlie's night last night, hence my lack of a post yesterday! I sought comfort and solice in two of my very good friends and had a fantastic night, I did consume alcohol (one glass of wine) and indulge on food that wasn't on the plan, but I'm really trying to listen to my body, and I felt that I needed a night of fun, indulgence and laughter and all three were met to my delight. But today I am back on track with the food and the workouts and feel much better for my night off, so to say.

It really is amazing the range of emotions we go through when you're going through a break up! I'm not crying anymore and I still believe 100% that it was the right decision but my mind, heart and body still need to go through the process and I'm determined to feel every emotion because I have in the past not want to feel it and then it rears it's ugly head much later. So, feel it now or feel it later? I'd rather pull off the band-aid fast instead of slow and even though it hurts like hell, very soon it's a distant pain and the remaining scar heals over until it's gone completely.

Down the hatch:-

Breakfast: Ezekiel cereal, 1/2 cup skim Soy milk, 1/4 cup fresh berries, 1tbsp flax seed, 1tbsp bee-pollen, large glass of water & cup of coffee.

Lunch: Ezekiel wholegrain wrap, sliced boiled egg, spinach, sliced tomato, large glass of water.

Snack: unbuttered popcorn (unbelievably on the eating plan!) skinny Soy latte.

Dinner: Spanagoptia, (Greek dish bought from the health food store, so no bad stuff in it) 1 apple, large glass of water.

Activity: 1 hour jog, 100 walking lunges and sit ups (phew!)

So all in all a good day, even if it's not that nice outside. I stopped whining about the weather a long time ago, it doesn't change whats happening outside, but you can change whats happening in you. Try turning your head to the sky and letting the soft flakes fall on your face and tickle your nose, this always improves my mood!

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