My after picture!

My before picture, hampster cheeks any body?

Make sure you stop and smell the roses, or something just as pretty!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

It's treat day :)

I decided since I did so well at my trucking course and passing the road test first time around that I would have a munchie treat this weekend, as it happened one of my good Greyhound buddies decided to treat me to a celebratory lunch on getting my Class 1. So, I thought perfect, we went to The Cheesecake Cafe, although I stayed away from the cheesecake as that is one of my addictive trigger foods and we had a very enjoyable lunch, I felt pretty good in my decision, not because it was good for me, but because I knew it wouldn't trigger a binge.

Now, if you have read Tosca Reno's "Eating Clean Diet" she does say that its okay to have a treat day, but really limit it to a small percentage of your new eating plan. She herself eats clean a major part of the year and only has a very few times a year when she indulges, usually at Birthday parties and special occasions and even then it's very minimal, she chooses a small slice of cake without icing, that kind of thing. What you have to find is a plan of eating that works well for you, if you feel you need a treat once a week, twice a month or just a couple of times a year, choose what works for you. This is a lifetime plan of eating, so you have to ask yourself can I eat like this realistically for the rest of my life?

You also have to recognise what are your trigger foods and can you handle just one of them? If not it's best to just cut them out of your life, I know mine is sugar, so I handle this kind of food with kid gloves and try to avoid it as it usually lead to a binge, if not immediately usually very soon after consuming it. So, I enjoyed my treat today and I got right back on the healthy eating plan for the rest of my meals today.

Down the hatch:-

Breakfast: 3/4 cup wholegrain cereal, 1/2 banana, skim milk, 1 tbs bee-pollen, 1 tbs flax seed, large glass of water & cup of coffee.

Lunch: Garlic cheese bread, vegetable quiche & fruit cup & diet Pepsi.

Snack: Clean protein bar, large glass of water.

Dinner: Tomato soup & organic crackers, large glass of water & cup of tea.

Activity: 50min run on treadmill, 100 walking lunges, sit ups.

Do you know after I had my intake of major white carb overload I really felt it in my body, I felt tired and bloated and lethargic, its weird once you stop eating stuff like that, how your body reacts, if it could talk I think it would go something like "why did you just do that to me?" .
So I wish you all a Happy Valentines Day for tomorrow, take care.

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