My after picture!

My before picture, hampster cheeks any body?

Make sure you stop and smell the roses, or something just as pretty!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Food and Taxes!

I got a hold of my tax lady today and took all my piles of stuff to her, I thought my refund was going to be a bit on the fatter side, but as it turns out it looks like it's going to lean toward the slimmer side of the all mighty dollar. So I called up a friend to convey my woes over the phone and she informed me that she was in a very bad way financially from something that happened years ago and she very graciously informed me that even receiving a refund was a lucky thing for me. So, God does work in mysterious ways, because as soon as I spoke to my friend my mood did a complete 360 and I felt not so hard done by!

It's amazing how easy I can lose sight of how lucky I am, I might not be tripping over mounds of cash, but I have a roof over my head, a wonderful family, fantastic friends, good health and many, many skills that I can put to good use. I guess sometimes I just need a little reminder once in a while, luckily my higher power didn't allow me to wallow too much in my self pity!

Down the hatch:-

Breakfast: 1/2 cup granola, 1/2 cup strawberries, 1/2 no fat natural yogurt, 1 tbs flax seed, 1tbs bee-pollen, water and cup coffee.

Lunch: Veggie burger on wholegrain bun, lettuce, pickles, mustard (very yummy) water.

Snack: Clean protein bar, water & cup coffee.

Dinner: Chili & wholewheat roll, water & cup coffee.

Activity: 1 hour weights circuit training class.

Tonight I went to my Overeaters Anonymous meeting, which keeps me in check with my addictive relationship with food and I just love the people that have become good friends over the years. It's so freeing to be able to talk about your behaviour as a compulsive over eater and have every single person in the room understand what your going through and not judge you. So I wish you all luck with what ever food or tax woes you are going through :)

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