My after picture!

My before picture, hampster cheeks any body?

Make sure you stop and smell the roses, or something just as pretty!

Monday, March 8, 2010

What's that white stuff?!!!

I didn't blog yesterday because I had a very fun, impromptu girlie's day and night out (well there where two fellas with us in the night time segment). Because it's been so lovely we took advantage of the balmy weather and went for a nice long walk at Fishcreek park, it was great, I wish this weather was here to stay but alas I know it must leave us :( After our walk we went to Timmy's (of course) and had a coffee, I am on a real winning spree right now with those role up the rim things, last year I didn't win a bloody thing and considering I consume at least one beverage from there a day, that's pretty pathetic!

Then we came home and my friend cooked me a nice healthy meal, she's on the Bernstein's plan right now, so we had tilapea and roasted veggies it was lovely. So up to that point in the day food wise was super clean, but then we went to the bar and were misled by nachos (they were bloody good!) and then we went to one of friends home to watch "Star trek" the movie, I haven't seen it yet and was blown away by how much it resembled the old TV show which I absolutely loved, in fact I swore as a six year old that I was going to marry Captain James T Kirk! And she had a lot of munchie candy stuff there that somehow found its way into my mouth!

So, today I was back on plan 100%, although I am allowing myself the odd treat, it's just that yesterday it would have been better if I had the nachos or the candie snacky stuff not both! But I'm not beating myself up over it, that's old diet ways of thinking and I refuse to do that to myself anymore.

Down the hatch:-

Breakfast: 3/4 cup wholegrain cereal, 1/4 cup raspberries, 1 tbs flax seed, 1 tbs bee-pollen, water & cup coffee.

Lunch: wholegrain wrap with tofu strips, fresh spinach and tzatziki spread, water.

Snack: Clean protein bar, water & cup tea.

Dinner: Grilled lean chicken, cabbage, veggies, water.

Activity: 1 hour kick-boxing class.

Were all of you as shocked as me to find the white stuff falling from the sky today and having to scramble to find your scrapper? But, I guess it's not hanging around for long thank goodness, we've just been too spoilt lately I guess. Have a good one tomorrow.

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